
Meet Liam and find out about his life as a space engineer building satellites.

What is your job?

I am a space engineer and I help to make cubesats. Cubesats are small satellites - about the size of a shoebox.

There are five or six members in our team and we build the satellites together and we check each other's satellites to make sure we've done our jobs properly.

We test the satellites in a thermal vacuum chamber. We raise and lower the heat to simulate conditions in space to see if they can cope.

Some of the work is really technical and you need to be in the lab in a clean room environment. That's really important to make sure everything is clean and safe.

Sometimes we're in the workshop doing bigger work like drilling. It's important that you are comfortable working in both.


I don't think I'd ever want to be anything but a space engineer. I get to build things for space. It's a really cool job!

What inspired you?

I've always had a big interest in space. When I was younger I liked to watch the space shuttles being launched. I always knew I wanted to go into the space industry.

When I was in school I did my work experience with a growing small satellite company in Scotland. That really set me on the path to wanting to build cubesats in my career.

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