³ÉÈËÂÛ̳ Radio Live'n'ByNet widget
Live'n'ByNet is a player widget for the live bbc radio feeds as listed by the programmes API. The widget uses the Zeepe framework - a web browser application/widget framework.
Why was it built?
Because I wanted a player that can be minimised to the tray and one that doesn't have hard coded urls to streams. It also lists the programmes via the API so you can set 'alarms' where it tunes to programmes when they start.
Access to an API that lists the listen again streams. It would be great to be able to choose favourites for the repeating programmes and in combination with the timings from the live streams then enable 'drag and drop personal channel' creation. Other improvements would be the programmes API becoming standardised and used by commercial radio as well - the player then becomes just like its real world equivalent.