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Digital journalism apprentice Atif Rashid's 2017 General Election experience

Atif Rashid

Local digital journalism apprentice

We were sitting in the 成人论坛 Academy learning about broadcast regulation when Theresa May made her surprise announcement and called a snap election. I'd had the opportunity to help cover the US elections in November, but I never thought I’d be covering another one so soon. Two months later I was heading for the 成人论坛’s Elstree Centre where the main election night studios were based.

The studio was stunning with a massive screen at the front, green screen at the side and work desks on a mezzanine floor.

I was given a tour and met the team who deal with the science behind the elections and results.

I was used as a fake guest for rehearsal and found myself sitting next to none other than David Dimbleby who told me he still gets nervous and that the best tip for presenting is to pretend you’re speaking to one person, like your mother.

I also had to pretend to be a UKIP leader and was fake interviewed by Radio 4’s Mishal Hussain. Suffice to say, I’d not want to be on the end of that interview for real: she is a seasoned interviewer and asked tough questions.

I left the studios having not only gained experience for myself but also feeling that I actually assisted in the rehearsal process.

Two nights later, I was at the Reading count from 10 o'clock for the digital team. I had no idea what happened at a count or whether anything I produced would be used.

I wanted to make a video explaining how the count works but the press officer said I should have told them earlier. Like any true journalist, I wasn’t going to be deterred. I took shots of the ballot boxes, the counters going through the ballot papers and managed to get a quick interview with one of the counters.

I went to the canteen and started editing the piece on my laptop. A green tea and two energy bars later I had a one minute ‘behind the scenes’ video which I sent off.

Behind the scenes at a ballot count - 成人论坛 News

Although I work for 成人论坛 Berkshire, to my pleasant surprise, at 3.37am, .

I had also found an interesting character who described the whole process as ‘primitive’ and ‘ancient’. Needless to say, I swiftly took an interview. After one or two minor corrections, .

All in all, I learnt that you should be prepared with ideas but you never know what’ll happen when you get there.

I found the 成人论坛 will do everything to try and get something published. Even though my second video needed minor corrections and was sent a little late, the editor still found a way to get it through.

As an apprentice, I wasn’t sure any of my work would get published. But having had some amazing and thorough training, I’ve found there’s always scope to get your work out there.

Am I looking forward to another election? After this, why not?