10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.
1. The song Agadoo by Black Lace is originally French.
2. There are 19 countries in the G20.
3. The American signal to stop is a cross of the forearms.
4. It requires 60 tonnes of paint to paint the Eiffel Tower.
5. Eating custard cakes daily does not prevent a very long life.
6. Chicks count.
7. Michelle Obama does high fives.
8. When photographing a group of heads of state, the host should stand in the centre at the front and next to him should be the longest-serving leaders.
9. Too many grapefruit are bad for you.
10. The police tactic of confining demonstrators in a confined space is called kettling.
Seen 10 things? . Thanks to Charlotte Easton for this week's picture of 10 London Eye pods.