10 things we didn't know last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.
1. Heavy metal in Morocco is regarded as devil-worship.
2. Monkeys notice bad grammar.
3. Trousers used to be called unmentionables.
4. Neil Armstrong took Dvorak's New World Symphony and theremin music to the moon.
5. The best place to put a wind turbine is in Orkney Islands.
6. Dinosaurs were couch potatoes.
7. Ice fallen from the sky is due to leaking plane ventilation systems.
8. Clothes could take photos.
9. Ringo Starr's mum wanted him to work in a bank.
10. Sir Jimmy Savile once saved the day by directing traffic.
Seen 10 things? .Thanks to Vic Barton-Walderstadt from Welwyn Garden City for this week's picture of 10 London Eye pods.