10 things you didn't know this time last week
Snippets from the week's news, sliced, diced and processed for your convenience.
1. Watermelons can explode.
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2. The Queen is apparently not a Guinness drinker. Or at least not in the morning.
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3. The hardiest animal on Earth is known as a "water bear".
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4. Humans stare longer at people with bad reputations.
5. Parrots are good at teamwork.
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6. "Highly cheerful" people die younger.
7. A good sense of smell helps mammals' brains get bigger.
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8. The internet craze of planking started in the UK and in Australia.
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9. Tarantulas shoot silk from their feet.
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10. There are only two beret factories left in France.
Seen 10 things? .