Your Letters
Well, it's not secret any more!
K Morrison, Lowestoft
Gaah! Naked star jumps! Not a good mental image for lunchtime.
Jim, Crowborough
7337 looks like "lite"? No it doesn't. It does, however, look like 'leet'. I'll get my j@c|
Dave M, Stevenage
When is it acceptable to boo? When politicians get historical facts wrong.
Jan Anderson
A bit irresponsible to publish Timbo's letter on a Friday so we can't have the correction letters until Monday; a whole weekend of possibly having persuaded people to drive dangerously. The Highway Code is fairly specific that it is only OK to pass on the left when you are in slow moving queues, which is not what the video clip showed. Full details on overtaking .
Ed Loach, Clacton, UK
It is precisely incidents such as this that mean that if there were a real invasion, everyone would be very blase about it and not take it seriously. We're just going to allow ourselves to be taken over without even realising it, thinking it to be some cheap stunt. We're a zombie nation already.
Basil Long, Nottingham
Had my first real-life experience of nomintive determinism - I was on duty as a Special Constable on Friday night (hence the annonimity) and was with a PC Law. I was so excited by this, but had to explain to him what on earth I was going on about!