Kermode Uncut Feed Outspoken, opinionated and never lost for words, Mark is the UK's leading film critic. This twice-weekly video blog is the place where he airs his personal views on the things that most fire him up about cinema - and invites you to give your own opinions. 2018-12-28T11:37:27+00:00 Zend_Feed_Writer /blogs/markkermode <![CDATA[The Ten Worst Films Of The Last Ten Years - Part Two]]> 2018-12-28T11:37:27+00:00 2018-12-28T11:37:27+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/445e8ee0-b797-49b6-9d04-3c7133da3f02 Mark Kermode <div class="component prose"> <p>After 10 great years Kermode Uncut is coming to an end. In this - the very last post - I count down my ten worst films of the last decade.</p> <p>Thanks for all your support and keep watching the skies...</p> </div> <div class="component"> <div id="smp-0" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div> <![CDATA[My Top Ten Films Of The Last Ten Years - Part Two]]> 2018-12-21T12:38:44+00:00 2018-12-21T12:38:44+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/1cbd7203-f0e1-437d-9468-d6f20abce8a2 <div class="component prose"> <p>After ten great years Kermode Uncut is coming to an end. To mark its passing I am listing my best and worst films of the past decade over the next two weeks.</p> <p>Here's the second part of my best films countdown...</p> </div> <div class="component"> <div id="smp-1" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div> <![CDATA[The Ten Worst Films Of The Last Ten Years - Part One]]> 2018-12-14T14:52:56+00:00 2018-12-14T14:52:56+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/b1e64d21-2798-452c-8149-3fcf2bfced11 Mark Kermode <div class="component prose"> <p>After 10 great years Kermode Uncut is coming to an end. To mark its passing I am listing my best and worst films of the past decade over the next two weeks.</p> </div> <div class="component"> <div id="smp-2" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div> <![CDATA[My Top Ten Films Of The Last Ten Years - Part One]]> 2018-12-07T11:36:18+00:00 2018-12-07T11:36:18+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/da66d466-baa9-47ff-bd40-324e878f843e Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-3" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>After 10 great years Kermode Uncut is coming to an end. To mark its passing I am listing my best and worst films of the past decade over the next two weeks.</p> </div> <![CDATA[Voice Recognition]]> 2018-11-23T15:10:53+00:00 2018-11-23T15:10:53+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/daf53ebe-e118-469a-9c01-598fe7de0a14 <div class="component"> <div id="smp-4" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>Douglas Rain who so memorably played the the computer Hal in 2001 died recently. His voice was what made him famous - who else is better known for how they sound in the movies?</p> </div> <![CDATA[Caine and the Critics]]> 2018-11-16T11:21:30+00:00 2018-11-16T11:21:30+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/d34e46d5-174f-4afa-86ff-4f0554911c8f Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-5" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>Michael Caine’s new book singles out a handful of film critics - I was surprised and delighted to find myself in some very esteemed company…</p> </div> <![CDATA[Bold As Brass]]> 2018-11-09T15:08:39+00:00 2018-11-09T15:08:39+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/4e4cd816-ebc0-48d6-9498-ad5708de6eab Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-6" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>I turned up recently to play a gig with Henry Priestman of the band Yachts - imagine my surprise when the director of one of my favourite films turned out to be there too…</p> </div> <![CDATA[Bass Line]]> 2018-11-02T09:39:38+00:00 2018-11-02T09:39:38+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/b3c9c54e-dac1-49c9-84cf-7d52f27fe281 Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-7" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>Some Like It Hot is back in cinemas this Friday. As a double bass player I have a special relationship with the film and here's why...</p> </div> <![CDATA[Secret Santa]]> 2018-10-26T07:45:16+00:00 2018-10-26T07:45:16+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/458e5052-45d1-4dea-ba14-92aa65c73ee9 Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-8" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>I have a question about Secrets Of Cinema.</p> </div> <![CDATA[Scala Magic]]> 2018-10-19T15:36:41+00:00 2018-10-19T15:36:41+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/72566840-c761-43bb-a8e0-47f61fa2da82 Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-9" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>I talk to producer Stephen Woolley about the glory days of the hugely influential Scala Cinema.</p> </div> <![CDATA[They Shall Not Grow Old]]> 2018-10-15T16:02:10+00:00 2018-10-15T16:02:10+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/8758b9fa-57f0-47e6-9917-7d45d9cfca7d Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-10" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>I talk to Lord Of the Rings director Peter Jackson about how he made his astonishing World War One documentary which premieres tomorrow.</p> </div> <![CDATA[Out For Revenge]]> 2018-10-05T13:38:05+00:00 2018-10-05T13:38:05+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/75677180-df3e-4da4-8d52-0dda77318a6a Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-11" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>Coralie Fargeat's retina-scorching thriller Revenge is out on DVD this week. It has been hailed a game changer in the genre but is that really the case?</p> </div> <![CDATA[Star Gazing]]> 2018-09-28T10:56:26+00:00 2018-09-28T10:56:26+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/98f52504-d1a3-4cd4-abad-97df13a28a30 Mark Kermode <div class="component prose"> <p>There’s a new version of A Star is Born released next week but the one I would really love to see was nearly made in the 1970s.</p> </div> <div class="component"> <div id="smp-12" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div> <![CDATA[Ghost Stories]]> 2018-09-21T13:57:36+00:00 2018-09-21T13:57:36+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/f72a7b75-ba18-4af5-bd5b-aed6f82a060b Mark Kermode <div class="component"> <div id="smp-13" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div><div class="component prose"> <p>The Little Stranger is a creepy tale with its roots in Shirley Jackson’s classic supernatural novel The Haunting Of Hill House</p> </div> <![CDATA[The Fabulous Fenella]]> 2018-09-14T10:45:46+00:00 2018-09-14T10:45:46+00:00 /blogs/markkermode/entries/78255c1b-ef7d-41d8-b8be-04380464c244 Mark Kermode <div class="component prose"> <p>Here are my memories of Fenella Fielding who died earlier this week</p> </div> <div class="component"> <div id="smp-14" class="smp"> <div class="smp__overlay"> <div class="smp__message js-loading-message delta"> <noscript>You must enable javascript to play content</noscript> </div> </div> </div></div>