en Kermode Uncut Feed Outspoken, opinionated and never lost for words, Mark is the UK's leading film critic. This twice-weekly video blog is the place where he airs his personal views on the things that most fire him up about cinema - and invites you to give your own opinions. Fri, 25 Nov 2016 14:33:12 +0000 Zend_Feed_Writer 2 (http://framework.zend.com) /blogs/markkermode Right Film, Right Time? Fri, 25 Nov 2016 14:33:12 +0000 /blogs/markkermode/entries/519c7981-8922-4ded-9c45-41d7856aea19 /blogs/markkermode/entries/519c7981-8922-4ded-9c45-41d7856aea19 Mark Kermode Mark Kermode

Sometimes the right film comes along at the right time. Mark Kermode reflects on the release of Arrival and A United Kingdom…

Developing Diversity Tue, 11 Oct 2016 15:03:33 +0000 /blogs/markkermode/entries/be4a2671-91bc-4881-ad68-ff7f2f2465e6 /blogs/markkermode/entries/be4a2671-91bc-4881-ad68-ff7f2f2465e6 Mark Kermode Mark Kermode

This year the London Film Festival opened for the first time with a movie made by a black woman director - but are things really getting better in the British film industry?

A United Kingdom Fri, 16 Sep 2016 10:45:49 +0000 /blogs/markkermode/entries/fd61404d-2f6a-4512-96bd-b97c04271949 /blogs/markkermode/entries/fd61404d-2f6a-4512-96bd-b97c04271949 Mark Kermode Mark Kermode

I’ve just seen Amma Asante’s new film 'A United Kingdom' which has been chosen to open this year’s London Film Festival. Here are my first impressions...
