en Kermode Uncut Feed Outspoken, opinionated and never lost for words, Mark is the UK's leading film critic. This twice-weekly video blog is the place where he airs his personal views on the things that most fire him up about cinema - and invites you to give your own opinions. Tue, 05 May 2015 14:06:22 +0000 Zend_Feed_Writer 2 (http://framework.zend.com) /blogs/markkermode Don’t Do Don’t Look Now Tue, 05 May 2015 14:06:22 +0000 /blogs/markkermode/entries/38cb5354-46d8-46bd-9bf6-62c8271be0ac /blogs/markkermode/entries/38cb5354-46d8-46bd-9bf6-62c8271be0ac Mark Kermode Mark Kermode

It was announced last week that there is going to be a remake of Don’t Look Now - why?!
