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  1. Minsmere round-up - my highlights

    Bitterns. Bitterns. Bitterns!

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  2. What to watch this winter: Snowdrops

    By Archie Thomas, Sarah Shuttleworth & Dr Elizabeth Cooke

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  3. Winter wetlands

    Slimbridge WWT Reserve Manager Dave Paynter discusses how recent wet weather conditions have affected wetland bird numbers.

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  4. 23 new Marine Conservation Zones announced

    The designation of 23 new Marine Conservation Zones mean that 8,000 square miles of UK waters now have environmental protection.

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  5. Ten birds you might not know are endangered

    More than a quarter of the UK's birds are now on the Red List for endangered species. Some of them may surprise you...

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  6. The science behind one of the British Isle's strangest phenomena

    Every year, hundreds of thousands of midges appear in the Scottish highlands. But from where, and why?

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  7. Hen harrier decline

    Winterwatch's executive producer Tim Scoones provides information on the decline of hen harriers.

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  8. It鈥檚 not the size that matters

    RSPB Scotland Mull Officer, David Sexton talks about how his focus has shifted from the UK's largest bird of prey to the UK's second smallest garden bird during lockdown.

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  9. Latest news on the Big Spring Watch

    Latest news from the Springwatch series producer about the Big Spring Watch.

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  10. That was Springwatch 2013 - what did you think?

    That was Springwatch 2013 - what did you think?

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  11. Why now is the time to see our best migratory species

    Paul Stancliffe from the BTO writes about why this is the best time of year to see our most exciting migratory species.

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  12. Tracking cuckoos with BTO

    In recent years our cuckoos have suffered severe declines, which has remained mystery. However, The British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) have started a fantastic initiative aiming to find out exactly whats been going on.

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  13. Spring memories

    Michaela Strachan has arrived at the Springwatch production site, the people are buzzing and the birds are tweeting, in fact a lot of the people are also tweeting. There are so many signs around of a late spring.

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  14. Waiting for godwit - a tale of muddy potatoes and chirpy chicks

    Conservationists breathed a huge sigh of relief when the first black-tailed godwit of the season emerged from its mud-encased egg, all feet and beak.

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  15. The blonde hedgehogs of Alderney

    In the Channel Islands a 1960's import of non-native hedgehogs has left the contemporary population with some interesting characteristics.

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  16. Living with urban fox populations

    Dr Bryony Tolhurst advises on living with urban foxes.

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  18. Winter migrants

    Milder than most of northern Europe, the British Isles are a warm-ish winter home for a multitude of birds which flock into our orchards, estuaries, lakes and gardens.

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