A note from the blog czar
Hello everyone,
As the new 'Blog Czar' (with special sub-portfolio for 2.0-transitional social media) on the PM team, I thought I'd take a moment to introduce myself. When I was asked to be Czar, of course I had questions: 'Do I get a stick to wave?', 'Can I get a raise?' and 'Who can I sack?' for example. 'No', 'no' and 'no-one' apparently. So instead, I'll be looking at ways to improve the blog, to make it a better vehicle for conversation and a more fun, useful experience for users.
I'm keen to hear your thoughts and ideas on how to do this. We're already looking at the issues you've raised over comment moderation -- and are working on them. But what about other changes we could make? Should we on the production team be using the blog to post extended cuts of interviews? Would a message board work better for The Beach? What's with those sprawling tag clouds at the bottom of each page? Should the PM blog be more like iPM? Less? With more William Shatner?
Jump in and share your ideas, big or small, in the comments.