Question: Annie Leibovitz
Am I alone in shivering in horror every time I see one of Leibovitz' series of portraits advertising a brand of luxury luggage?
Keith Richards (Image copyright Louis Vuitton / Annie Leibovitz)
Although technically brilliant, the images are repellent in their glossiness: I don't believe for a moment that Keith Richards is strumming his guitar "New York. 3 am. Blues in C" or that Sofia Coppola is listening, enraptured to her father. In short, these pictures feel beautiful and empty - ironic really, as they seem to be supposed to represent life's wonderful journey.
Francis Ford Coppola and Sofia Coppola (Image copyright Louis Vuitton / Annie Leibovitz)
I do like some of pictures, and I will go and see at the National Portrait Gallery, London, but I'm hoping that there are more portraits and fewer still lifes featuring carefully arranged celebrities.