Am I too giddy?
In case anyone is interested .
I will not stray again Into the Evangelical Bear Pit except to note that some of the Biblical scholarship on offer was above my pay grade...
As ever, on the subject of health I am taken to task by Americans who see their system as flawed to the point of immorality - that is a wholly defensible view but if you turn up bleeding at a major hospital in the US they will not turn you away and my sole point was that for large number of Britland folks (thanks to whoever it was who suggested that moniker) that is a surprise, and that, my friends, is ignorance.
In response to A Woman Scorned, David_Cunard writes "no Hillary, no victory". We will hold him to this...
Finally, TimothyR444 complains of the narcissism of the Big Text Message. And MikeIL accuses me of giddiness when really my giddiness is faux giddiness. I am not in the least bit giddy.
Hang on I think that's a text coming in...