Help solve Wrexham's congestion problems
So there I was, supposedly 'popping' out over lunch and yet finding myself taking what felt like an age to drive from Wrexham town centre - via the dreaded queues along Grosvenor Road - and out to Plas Coch retail park. It would have been quicker to have walked.
What were the alternatives? Drive along Rhosddu Road - but that would risk my wing mirrors as I hoped for the best passing on-coming traffic under the railway bridge by the Remploy factory.
Maybe I should have gone around the back. Going literally around the Eagles Meadow redevelopment, out along St Giles link road, passing the Island Green retail park, and taking my chances driving by the Maelor Hospital - but you know how busy that can get.
I could have walked. I should not have gone! Fancy trying to drive across town on a Thursday afternoon. But when would have been a good time?
When don't you encounter traffic in the town centre these days?
Anyway, let us hear your ideas for alleviating congestion in the town centre. Is it time to introduce park and ride schemes? How can you reduce the traffic along Grosvenor Road and what do you think of the new layout around the Eagles Meadow development. Tell us!
We could pass the ideas along to the powers-that-be at the Guildhall to see what they think.