Homes shortage?
I read with interest this morning the story on that two housing bodies have said Wales is short of about 40,000 affordable homes.
This comes at a time when Wrexham, for example, is a major site for new homes with developments springing up everywhere. Whether they're affordable is another matter and perhaps any prospective buyers could let us know.
Meanwhile, Welsh pressure group, [Community], runs an online campaign [].
And they're holding a public meeting taking issue with plans for the sale of land belonging to the National Trust at Erddig - earmarked for 200 new homes - because they reckon the houses won't be affordable for locals. [The meeting is being held on Wednesday July 4, 7.30pm, at The Old Court House (upstairs), Hight Street, Ruabon]
Not everyone agrees with their concerns if you read the views on the fora at and also on our page, Erddig's 'urban village'.
However, I know two friends who are both having trouble finding 'affordable' housing in Wrexham - that's affordable relative to them. Thankfully, I don't have the same problem at the moment - although rising interest rates do have me concerned.
I'm more worried about my kids and what they'll be able to buy in 15 years' time - or whether they'll still be living with me when they're in their 30s - heaven forbid!