Caste quotas, World Cup tickets & Greeks vs Turks
Today-- we're back in our studio in London, as the team in South Africa wraps up their trip. We'll kick off with the %3Ca%20href="">row over University quotas in India. After hearing how much inequality was an issue in South Africa, we thought this issue is something almost everyone can relate too. What's the best way to help disadvantaged groups? We were slightly bowled over by %3Ca%20href="">how many of you want to talk about Greece and Turkey, following the%3Ca%20href=""> incident over Greek airspace this week. Why is there so much animosity between Greeks & Turks? And...finally.... have you got your tickets to the World Cup?? Lots of you have flights booked... but no game tickets. How hard is it for fans to attend matches? Is the system fair?
Mario Popu in Boca Raton, Florida emailed to say: "I tried to buy tickets on line several times and was unable to get tickets to see USA/Italy or Brazil/Australia. I have Airplane tickets fo Frankfurt and I would like to see any game at this point!' Sound familiar? Some fans are so peeved, they've started an %3Ca%20href="">on-line petitions. They say as many as 1 in 3 tickets have been given to corporate sponsors, and each participating team receives just 8% of tickets for any games they play. How would you distribute World Cup tickets?
For years, India's lowest-caste %3Ca%20href="%3Ca%20href="">">'untouchables' - as they were once called - have benefitted from a system that reserves 22.5 percent of university places exclusively for them. Starting next year, all the myriad other low castes, will get their own quotas. A total of 49.5 percent of all university places will now be allocated according to caste. Medical students and staff across India have been protesting for weeks now, because they say quotas are not based on merit. Are quotas the best way to right a historical wrong? What's your experience?
And what's behind the deep mistrust between Greeks & Turks? The two countries foreign ministers say there won't be any trouble after the mid-air collission. So why has the incident raised more bad blood? Let us know!
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