Who is under attack?
We're going to talk to Muslims around the world.
Do they feel that they are paying the price in increased surveillance and suspicion for a radical few in their midst? How do they respond to calls that they should do more to root out radicalism in their ranks? This is the conversation that we will have tonight on the programme.
What questions do you have? The debate starts here.
A lot of information is trickling out since yesterday. CNN is reporting that two of the attackers had already created .
But it's also now being widely reported that the information that initially started the investigation came from after the London bombings last year.
It all began with a tip: In the aftermath of the July 7, 2005, suicide bombings on London's transit system, British authorities received a call from a worried member of the Muslim community, reporting general suspicions about an acquaintance.
We've had this anonymous complaint:
This is really obnoxious. How can you put this hate on your site.
I'm not sure if the complaint if about the post or about some of the comments. But what do you think? We've had some really strong comments on this subject. Do you think some of the comments cross the line?
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