Faith and Angelus take a trip together.
As he takes his teeth from Faith's neck, Angelus cries out in horror, realising she's drugged him by injecting herself with the mystic narcotic orpheus. He collapses into unconsciousness.
He and Faith are taken back to the hotel, and Angelus is locked up again. Just as Connor gets set to kill him, Willow walks in - there at Fred's request as the only person they know who's ever restored a vampire's soul.
While Willow, Fred and Wesley work on the spell, hindered surreptitiously by Cordelia, Faith and Angelus take a walk through Angel's memories, linked by the drug they share. Only the resurgence of Angel's personality saves Faith from a psychic death.
Angel's soul restored, and Faith recovered from her ordeal, all seems well once more. Until a very pregnant Cordelia walks into the hotel lobby.
- ten quick questions.
Trivia: This episode sees Alyson Hannigan's third crossover into Angel as Willow. She has previously appeared on the phone to Cordelia in Disharmony, and was seen briefly at the very end of Angel season two, delivering the news of Buffy's death.
The title refers to the Ancient Greek myth of Orpheus. A legendary musician, Orpheus followed his wife, Euridice, into the Underworld when she was killed on their wedding day. His divine music and pleas melted the heart of Persephone, queen of the Underworld, and she allowed him to take Euridice back, on one condition. He must not look back at her until they were back in the world of the living.
As they reached the exit from the Underworld, Orpheus could resist no longer, and turned to look at Euridice. At his gaze, she melted away completely. Orpheus, crazed by grief, was later ripped apart by frenzied female worshippers of Dionysis, the god of wine.