Season Five's big villain
Each season of Buffy tends to present the Slayer with an ongoing villain
- someone for whom a quick stake behind the Bronze isn't enough.
Following in the mighty footsteps of the Master, Angelus, Richard
Wilkins III and Adam comes - Glory.
Joss very much wanted someone who was like the Joker to Batman, Doug
explain” “Someone who was just dynamic, charismatic and psychotic and we
have all that. And Glory looks a lot better in a hot little red dress
than the Joker ever did!” he laughs. “We've got it all in Glory.
“In terms of going wild and really throwing the thing out there as far
as you can, it's the most freedom I have had to go so far out there
since Faith. I think we are all feeling that way about Glory. I don't
know if the film Bring It On is out there yet but we have Clare Kramer
from Bring It On and she just ‘brings it on’! It's real fun stuff.”
If you don't know any more about Glory, we won't spoil it for you - just
expect a devastating combination of madness, super strength and a bigger
wardrobe of outfits than Cordelia in her student days!