Proms 2024
16 Aug 2013, Royal College of Music
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16:45 Fri 16 Aug 2013 Next Event

Proms 2013 Proms Plus Intro

Proms Plus Intro
Proms Plus Intro
16:45 Fri 16 Aug 2013 Royal College of Music
Louise Fryer talks to Oliver Soden about Tippett's own libretto for The Midsummer Marriage and the influence on the opera of poet T. S. Eliot.
Louise Fryer talks to Oliver Soden about Tippett's own libretto for The Midsummer Marriage and the influence on the opera of poet T. S. Eliot.

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Louise Fryer talks to Oliver Soden about Tippett's own libretto for The Midsummer Marriage and the influence on the opera of poet T. S. Eliot.