Vermicelli (pasta) recipes
Vermicelli is very fine, long strands of pasta – like a skinny spaghetti – often used in soups. The name means ‘little worms’ in Italian (though in America, it is described more ethereally 'angel hair' pasta). It is available fresh or dried.
Fideo is a type of short vermicelli pasta, originally produced in Europe, particularly Spain, that spread to Mexican and Latin American cuisine. It is commonly used in chicken soup and in sopa seca, a type of side-dish.
This gorgeous Valencian dish is a one-pot wonder similar to paella that's a hit all over Spain and further afield.
More vermicelli (pasta) recipes
Buyer's guide
Dried vermicelli is usually sold boxed in coiled nests to prevent the delicate strands from breaking.
Serve it with delicate oil-based or thin creamy sauces, as thick sauces will soak into the pasta and make it go soggy.