Plant list: Tall and upright plants
Tall and upright plants are often the backbone of the planting display being positioned towards the rear. Sometimes the stems are not especially attractive and planting in front hides their deficiencies!
Latin name: | | Prunus 'Okame' |
Common name: | | Ornamental cherry |
Type of plant: | | Tree |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | Pink |
Leaf colour: | | Dark green |
Height and spread: | | 10m x 8m (33ft x 27ft) |
Description: | | A cherry that will give a wonderful show in spring and autumn. From early spring it bears clusters of cup-shaped, carmine-pink flowers in profusion. Then, in autumn, the dark green leaves start to turn from orange to red, before they fall. It has a bushy, rounded shape and could be grown in a smaller garden.
Latin name: | | Nicotiana sylvestris |
Common name: | | Tobacco plant |
Type of plant: | | Perennial, commonly grown as a half-hardy annual |
Hardiness: | | Frost-hardy |
Flower colour: | | White |
Leaf colour: | | Mid-green |
Height and spread: | | 1.5m x 75cm (5ft x 2.5ft) |
Description: | | Tall and upright, it is often grown as an annual. The long tubular flowers give off their strongest scent in the evening. Prefers a spot in the sun and well-drained, fertile soil.
Latin name: | | Miscanthus |
Common name: | | Miscanthus |
Type of plant: | | Perennial grass |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | NA |
Leaf colour: | | Mid-green |
Height and spread: | | 1.2m x 45cm (4ft x 18in) |
Description: | | An ornamental grass with tall, upright, arching, sword shaped leaves. Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’ has yellow ‘hoops’ on the leaves. They may produce hairy seed heads in autumn. Leaves may also offer autumn colour.
Latin name: | | Delphinium |
Common name: | | Delphinium |
Type of plant: | | Perennial |
Hardiness: | | Hardy to half-hardy |
Flower colour: | | White, blues and reds |
Leaf colour: | | Mid-green |
Height and spread: | | 1m to 2m x 30cm to 60cm (3ft to 7ft x 1ft to 2ft) |
Description: | | Delphiniums are one of the most loved of our ‘old-fashioned’ flowers. They are grown for the tall spires of flowers that look fantastic at the back of a border. Delphiniums prefer sun and a rich, well-drained soil. Tall cultivars need staking.
Latin name: | | Helianthus annuus |
Common name: | | Sunflower |
Type of plant: | | Annual |
Hardiness: | | Hardy |
Flower colour: | | Yellow, orange and red |
Leaf colour: | | Mid-green |
Height and spread: | | 1m to 3m x 30cm to 45cm (3ft to 10ft x 1ft to 1.5ft) |
Description: | | Fast growing annual, much loved by children gardeners. Very large, daisy like flowers with a purple centre and coloured flower head 30cm (1ft) or more wide. Needs full sun and well-drained soil. Smaller varieties are available.