
Play your part this Christmas

Many people can feel lonely at different times in their lives. It can affect anyone, and for any number of reasons. For some, this experience is temporary but for others the effects of loneliness can be harder to deal with and overcome.

Published: 10 December 2018

It can be difficult to admit to feelings of isolation and those impacted often suffer in silence. There can sometimes be a perceived stigma or embarrassment around loneliness which makes it harder to ask for help.

成人论坛 Northern Ireland’s Christmas appeal, Playing Our Part: Everybody Needs Somebody, aims to raise awareness of the effects of loneliness and to offer advice, guidance and ideas on how everybody can do something - big or small - to someone in need.

This year 成人论坛 NI has teamed up with the mental health organisation Inspire. It works to address some of the stigma around mental health issues and helps people to access advice and support.

While loneliness is not in itself a mental health condition, the two are strongly linked. And having a mental health condition can increase an individual’s chances of feeling lonely.

The appeal will run from Monday 10 - Friday 14 December with stories, features and reports across the 成人论坛’s airwaves, encouraging as many people as possible to get involved.

The message is simple - everyone can play their part - as individuals, organisations and communities - and even small actions can make a big difference.

Small gestures can have a big impact at a time when people feel very alone, especially coming up to Christmas.

So how can people help as individuals, groups or organisations?

Why not consider some of the following…

  • Conversation - Start a conversation. Catch up with an old friend or say hello to someone new. Ask someone if they are okay.
  • Connection - Connect with people by reaching out to those around you - friends and family, neighbours and colleagues.
  • Community - become part of something bigger - join a club or charity, or go along to neighbourhood events. Get involved and help others to do the same.

All sections of the community can help overcome loneliness by recognising that everybody needs somebody. Whether it is friends, neighbours and relatives or schools, clubs and workplaces - everyone has a role to play through meeting, talking and doing things together.

For more information on how to get involved with the initiative visit: bbc.co.uk/niappeals