
成人论坛 Newsbeat and 成人论坛 News visual journalism launch Know Your Place calculator

成人论坛 Radio 1 Newsbeat and the 成人论坛 News visual journalism team are launching a new Know Your Place calculator - designed so young people in the UK can see where the place they live rates on a number of factors important to them.

Published: 6 February 2019
To be able to select an area that might better suit your lifestyle is an invaluable tool for under 26 year-olds who are making important decisions about the way they live.
— Debbie Ramsay

Covering each local authority in England, Scotland and Wales, the interactive calculator is based upon 11 variables selected on the basis of available data and audience research into the issues which mattered most to people under the age of 26.

Each local authority’s total score is the average of its scores on each individual measure.

Out of all UK local authorities, Islington, Camden and Westminster returned the three highest scores respectively with Bristol ranked highest outside of London.

The local authority with the lowest score is Melton in Leicestershire, with Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, and Allerdale, Cumbria, ranking as the second and third lowest respectively.

In Scotland, Glasgow ranked highest and Western Isles ranked lowest. In Wales, Cardiff is top, and bottom was Isle of Anglesey.

The 11 measures are:

  • Rent - median rent per bedroom
  • Bars, pubs and clubs - number as a proportion of the size of the area
  • Music events - number of events per day
  • Sports facilities - number of facilities as a proportion of the size of the area
  • 4G - percentage of the area that gets a strong signal on the four main carriers
  • Youth migration - net youth internal migration (moving to the area minus moving away from the area) into area as proportion of the area's population
  • Age - proportion of the population that are aged 16-25
  • Claimant Count - percentage of 18-25s claiming Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit.
  • Natural beauty - proportion of area that is natural, ie not urban, residential or farming
  • Buses - average number of buses per day and total miles of bus route as a proportion of the area
  • Mental health - number of months the area has hit its mental health target out of the past 12

The interactive element of the calculator allows young people to select what is most important to them and get suggestions on which area best suits their preferences.

In addition to the launch of the Know Your Place calculator - which will be available on the Newsbeat section of the 成人论坛 News website from today - there will be a series of reports across 成人论坛 News on radio, online and social, hearing the stories of young people that live and work in the areas ranked either high or low on the various indices.

In Bristol, 成人论坛 News will hear from a street artist who remained in the city after university because of the local arts scene, as well hearing the stories of young people in West Dorset - which ranks lowest and has the fewest number of people under the age of 25.

Debbie Ramsay, Editor, 成人论坛 Radio 1 Newsbeat, says: “This is really is ‘news you can use’ for young people in Britain. To be able to select an area that might better suit your lifestyle is an invaluable tool for under 26 year-olds who are making important decisions about the way they live. It’s been a mammoth project combining the best 成人论坛 News data journalists with the storytelling expertise of Newsbeat.”

View the calculator


Notes to editors

  • For each of Britain's local authorities (LAs) we gathered data on 11 measures that are relevant to young people. To make sure that the measures are important to young people, we carried out a poll of 1,038 British 16-24 year-olds.
  • Unfortunately data for rent, buses and mental health was not available in Northern Ireland, so we were not able to include Northern Ireland in our analysis.
  • The raw data for each LA was standardised to correct for the fact that some LAs are larger or more densely populated than others.
  • For each measure, the LAs' standardised data were transformed to fit on a scale from 0 to 10, where a lower score means a poorer performance on that measure. This was done in a way that prevented one unusually good (or bad) measure from dominating a local authority's score.
  • Each LA's total score is the average of its scores on each individual measure. Although a LA can score between zero or 10 on any single measure, most authorities are a mix of high and low scores so the average scores for LAs are bunched between three and seven.

Data sources

  • Rent - median rent per bedroom (HomeTrack, July 2018)
  • Bars, pubs and clubs - number as a proportion of the size of the area (Food Standards Agency, June 2018)
  • Music events - number of events per day (成人论坛 analysis of Ents24 data, April - November 2018)
  • Sports facilities - number of facilities as a proportion of the size of the area (Sport England, Sport Wales and Sport Scotland, June 2018)
  • 4G - percentage of the area that gets a strong signal on the four main carriers (Ofcom, July 2018)
  • Youth migration - net 16-24 internal migration (moving to the area minus moving away from the area) into area as proportion of the area's total population (ONS and National Records of Scotland, 2016-2017)
  • Age - proportion of population aged 16-25 (ONS, 2016-2017)
  • Claimant Count - rate of 18-24s claiming Jobseekers Allowance or Universal Credit, (Nomis, June 2018)
  • Natural beauty - proportion of area that is natural (成人论坛 analysis of Corine Land Cover 2012 data)
  • Buses - average number of buses per day and total miles of bus route as a proportion of the area (成人论坛 analysis of Traveline National Dataset, August 2018)
  • Mental health - number of months the area has hit its mental health target out of the past 12 (NHS Digital, Scottish Government, Stats Wales, 2017)

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