
Could An Ancient Athenian Fix Britain?

Ep. 1/5 -

Comedian and classicist Jon Harvey, who challenged Theresa May in the 2017 general election as Lord Buckethead, explores modern British democracy through an ancient Athenian lens. If the one thing we can all agree on is that our state is in a bit of a state, could the world’s original democrats help us right the ship?

Democracy was born in ancient Athens and lasted for nearly 200 years. Not all Athenians were democrats - perhaps the most famously outspoken anti-democrat, Socrates, ended up sentenced to death, ironically by a vote of the people.

But if an Athenian democrat time-travelled to 2019, what would he make of what's going on in Britain? Could he fix the chaos?

Written and presented by Jon Harvey
Producer: Polly Thomas and Eloise Whitmore
Executive Producer: Dixi Stewart

  • A Naked production for 成人论坛 Radio 4

Publicity contact: Radio 4 Publicity

DateMonday, 11 November 2019
Time1:45 PM -
2:00 PM