
Why Dad Killed Mum: My Family's Secret

Ep. 1/3 -

Tasnim was 16 months old when her dad set her mum’s home in Telford alight. Tasnim’s mum, grandmother and aunt were all killed in the fire.

Lucy Lowe, Tasnim’s mum, was just 16 years old. Azhar Ali Mehmood, Tasnim’s dad, has served 18 years in jail for triple murder. He is now eligible for release, and Tasnim has been asked to bring her opinion to the parole board. Tasnim, now 19 years old, wants answers about why her dad killed her mum. Her search takes her back to the late 90s as she investigates her parents' relationship, and reveals a shocking truth that takes her deep into a secret that rocked a community.

Tasnim was raised by her grandfather, the only family member to survive the fire. She talks to her grandfather and great-uncle to learn more about what happened that night. Tasnim turns to local newspaper and TV archive footage to begin to try to understand her dad’s motive. She finds allegations of his possessive behaviour towards Lucy and suggestions of problems in their relationship.

Unexpectedly, a newspaper investigation into child sexual exploitation changes everything Tasnim thought she knew about her parents. Journalist Geraldine McKelvie’s investigation uncovers horrific evidence of child grooming rings operating in Telford at the time that Lucy was killed. Reports reveal that Lucy Lowe’s death was used as a threat to silence their victims.

Publicity contact: DG2

DateWednesday, 13 November 2019
Time10:35 PM -
11:05 PM
UpdatesConfirmed for 成人论坛 One on 13 November at 10.35pm to 11.05pm