
First koala born in UK goes outside for first time

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Yooranah is a boy baby koala, called a joey, born to mother Alinga and father Goonaroo in May 2013. Even though he's over a year old - he's only just ventured outside for the first time!

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In late 2013 he first emerged from his mother's pouch. As koalas are marsupials, like kangaroos, their young are very tiny and frail when they're born, so they spend months growing and getting stronger before emerging.

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You might think koalas only live in hot places like Australia, but Edinburgh Zoo now has four that live there - the keepers there make sure the koalas have the right conditions to live in.

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Here's Yooranah and his mum. His name means "Loving" in the Aboriginal language.

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When Yooranah was smaller he used to get a piggy-back from his mum.

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This was Yooranah's first trip outside at the zoo in Scotland, earlier this week.

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When the weather is lovely and warm, keepers take the koalas out of their special heated enclosures to spend time in an outdoor enclosure at the zoo, complete with climbing frames for exercise and eucalyptus leaves to eat.

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It's important for the koalas to go outside and get their vitamin D from sunlight; but they also enjoy the sights and sounds of the zoo.