is working in the grounds. As he puts his garden tools away
Gemma comes over.
Oh hi聟you're new here aren't you? So this is where you
hang out? Nice聟nice. (pause while Gemma looks around
his things. Carl looks uneasy) Marilyn says you've taken
quite a shine to her. She says that you're her brother.
(perks up) Did she say that?
Of course! She talks about you all the time! (pause) You
do know Marilyn don't you?
What did she say?
(evasive) What are you planting here then?
(agitated) What did she say?
I think its terrible the way she treated you. Don't you ever
get angry?
(snaps) Its not her fault. She works hard here at Oxford聟
(turns back to gardening)
(menacingly) But she's a user Carl. She can't help
herself sometimes, she'll do anything to get her own way.
(whispers) It must make you聟very聟bitter.