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Car insurance tips for younger drivers

On the programme on 23 May 2024, car expert Abigayle Andre gives her tips for younger drivers when approaching the costly business of car insurance.
Abigayle says:
• Choose your car carefully – Every car has been assigned an Insurance Group between 1 and 50. Find out what this is – there are checking tools available online – and select a car in the groups 1-10, which are cheapest to insure.

• Share insurance policies – If there’s another driver in the household with a multi-car policy, it may be cost effective for the younger driver to join that. Alternatively, it’s worth considering whether a younger driver could be a ‘named driver’ on another policy in the household. Remember, it’s important to be truthful about who is the main driver and who is a named driver on an insurance policy – misleading an insurer about this is known as ‘’, which is illegal and may result in insurance being invalidated in the event of a claim.

• Shop around – Approach insurers directly, as some companies aren’t on comparison sites.

• Pick your job – How your job is described can really affect how much you pay. For example, a ‘chef’ may be charged more than a ‘cook’. Abigayle says it’s worth using to ensure you’re selecting the right job title that accurately describes your work, but won’t incur a large premium. Remember, it’s very important to provide an truthful and accurate job title to your insurer.

• Check the calendar – The timing of when you purchase insurance can make a big difference to how much you pay. Abigayle says buying it 23-26 days in advance of the renewal date is the “sweet spot” – so set a reminder on your smart phone.

• Enter your driving license details – Providing these details when buying car insurance helps confirm your identity and may lower your premium, so it’s worth digging it out and entering the details.