Comedy drama series based around the lives of six young adults. As his girlfriend gets closer to pop stardom, dissatisfied Tyler starts to rekindle his own teenage dreams.
Set in noughties Britain, Mouth to Mouth deals with six young adults as they enter their twenties and realise that there is more to status than a Facebook update. Each year-in-the-life episode concentrates on one character's story as their lives intertwine and sometimes collide. Small events have big effects and molehills become mountains, as each of them scrabble to find their way and discover that be it comic, tragic and unpredictable, modern life can be tough.
Working in a dead-end job in a mobile-phone shop, Tyler Cooke thinks that his life is over. Playing second fiddle to the grind of his job, the foibles of his friends and the never-ending demands of his girlfriend Meeshell, he spends his nights smoking dope and wondering where it all went wrong.
But as Meeshell gets closer to her dream of pop stardom, the scales begin to fall from his eyes and Tyler starts to take control and rekindle his teenage dreams.
Last on
The Life Of Tyler
Duration: 01:23
Role | Contributor |
Tyler Cooke | Alex Price |
Meeshell Reeves | Anna Nightingale |
Rakim Prateek | Shane Zaza |
Writer | Karl Minns |
Producer | Mark Iddon |
Director | Craig Young |
- Mon 23 Nov 2009 21:30
- Tue 24 Nov 2009 01:45
- Sat 28 Nov 2009 02:05
- Mon 30 Nov 2009 00:35
- Mon 30 Nov 2009 04:00