Episode 2
Three single princesses come to the UK to find a Prince Charming. Just when Princess Sheillah is about to give up hope, a chance meeting in a supermarket changes everything.
Three single princesses from around the world come to the UK to find Prince Charming to take back to their kingdom. To ensure the people they meet love them for themselves and not just their title, the princesses go undercover as everyday girls, living together in a house in Essex.
Without their riches and servants, it is the first time they have ever had to fend for themselves. They take on ordinary jobs in a hairdressing salon, cafe and cricket shop. And in their search for the perfect, ordinary man, they trawl the pubs, clubs and supermarkets of Essex for 'the one'.
Her Royal Highness Princess Xenia of Saxony is a descendant of one of the most powerful royal families Europe has ever known. At 22, she is a well-known celebrity in Germany, but a combination of her beauty, fame and royalty has made it difficult for her to find true love.
Her Highness Princess Aaliya of Balasinor's ancestors were ancient warriors who ruled in western India for centuries. The 35-year-old Princess has had a traditional and sheltered upbringing within a family where marriages are usually arranged. She has never been on a date before, and never had a boyfriend.
Princess Nvannungi Sheillah is from Buganda, the largest and most powerful kingdom in Uganda, presiding over five and a half million subjects. The princess is one of the most famous women in her country and has a career as a pop star.
Having made little progress in their search for the perfect man, the princesses must go on as many dates as possible or their undercover mission will end in failure. By the end of the week they hope to find a genuine contender to take home with them to their kingdoms. They hunt for men everywhere - at work, in church and at a local football match. They brave the hilarious world of blind dating and also manage to throw their own British barbecue without the help of their servants. Just when picky Princess Sheillah is about to give up hope, a chance meeting in a supermarket changes everything. Has one of the princesses finally found the beginnings of true love?
Last on
You're A Mushroom Lover?
Duration: 02:02
Camping Date
Duration: 01:08
The Princesses
A re-cap of the princesses’ aim to find their prince in just three weeks and a look at their progress so far.
Duration: 04:13
Cindrellah Goes to Church and Gabriella Goes to a Festival
The very picky Sheillah, AKA Cindrellah, goes to church and the pub in order to find a suitable man. Elsewhere, Elliot takes Xenia, AKA Gabriella, on a date camping at the Rhythm and Folk festival.
Duration: 08:46
Aaliya’s Dating Advice and Cindrellah’s Supermarket Trip
Aaliya turns to a dating coach in order to help her find a date and Cindrellah gets lucky in love at the supermarket.
Duration: 08:33
Aaliya’s Practice Date and Gabriella’s New Man
Aaliya goes on a practice date after meeting her dating coach. Gabriella goes wall-climbing on a date, but it’s not with Elliot.
Duration: 04:55
Cindrellah’s Date with Paul
Cindrellah really makes a connection with her date, even though she turns up an hour late.
Duration: 05:23
Planning a Barbecue and Going to the Football
The princesses look to meet more men by having a barbecue and Aaliya’s and Cindrellah’s work mates try and help them find love. Gabriella and co then go to a non-league match to find more boys.
Duration: 07:09
Blind Dating
The girls go on blind dates in order to meet more men: Cindrellah goes bowling, Gabriella goes to a gig and Aaliya goes down the pub - will her dating tips come in useful?
Duration: 09:36
The Barbecue
The barbecue sees a new potential man for Gabriella, an unexpected arrival from a blind date and an impromptu game of Twister. Later in the night Aaliya announces she will go speed dating.
Duration: 10:00
Role Contributor Narrator Russell Tovey Executive Producer Adam Adler Producer Anoushka Roberts Broadcasts
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