Episode 6
Gaelic motoring show. In this programme, Air an Rathad celebrates the 40th birthday of the world's best selling car - the VW Golf.
Ann am prògram na seachdain seo tha sgioba Air an Rathad a' comharrachadh gu bheil an 40mh ceann-bliadhna aig a' chà r as fheà rr a reic san t-saoghal - an VW Golf. Tha Donnie a' feuchainn Mark 1 mus fà g e am Mark 4 aige fhèin airson a' chruth as ùire, am Mark 7 R. Ciamar a bha an cà r air a leasachadh thar nam bliadhnaichean? Agus carson nach eil duine dèidheil air Mark 3? Chan eil an Ceann-Connaidh, Rob Hay, dhen aon bheachd- tha esan air leth measail air Mark 3 a dh'aindeoin nan annasan a tha na chois. Tha Art MacCarmaig air aoigheachd san Eilean Sgitheanach air cùl na cuibhle ann am Vauxhall Mokka. Tha esan gu math dìleas do Passat, agus mar sin bidh aig am Mokka ri bhith math mus gabh e ris. Thall ann an Crail, tha tuilleadh spòrs is fealla-dhà ann air raon nan Rèisean Craicte.
Air an Rathad team celebrate the 40th birthday of the world's best selling car - the VW Golf. Donnie
tries out the Mark 1 before swapping his own Mark 4 for the latest model, the Mark 7 R. How has the car developed over the years? And why does no-one like the Mark 3?
Petrolhead Rob Hay disagrees - he loves his Mark 3 despite it's foibles. Guest reviewer Arthur Cormack is on Skye behind the wheel of a Vauxhall Mokka. He's a loyal Passat man, so the Mokka will have to work hard to win his affections. Over in Crail, there's more fun and games on the Wacky Race track.
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Sgeulachd a’ Gholf
Duration: 02:28
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Murray MacLeod |
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