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Viva am Muncaidh Bherbhet/Viva the Vervet Monkey

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. Here, the focus is on a newborn vervet monkey called Viva and her family group of up to 30 members.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn. An-diugh, tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri Viva am muncaidh bherbhet. Chan e muncaidhean 脿bhaisteach a th' annta seo idir. Tha an dachaigh air raon goilf ann an Durban an Afraga a Deas.'S e sp貌rs a h-uile latha d貌igh-beatha Viva, muncaidh beag a tha f脿s suas ann am buidheann mhuncaidhean bherbhet. Ach carson a tha eagal aig na muncaidhean ro ph矛ob-uisge agus carson a tha na boireannaich ag iarraidh sabaid? Bho mh猫irle ann an solas an latha gu bracaist le貌mach, seo sgeulachd a dh'fheumas a bhith air fhaicinn mus creid duine i.

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. Today's focus is on Viva the vervet monkey. These are no ordinary monkeys, for their home is a golf course in Durban, South Africa. Here, you'll find Viva, a baby vervet growing up with her troop. For Viva, life is just one big adventure. But why are vervets afraid of a hose pipe and why do the females want to start a fight? From daylight robbery to a rather civilised breakfast, this is one monkey's story which has to be seen to be believed.

22 minutes
