Episode 1
Series following the first working year at the Harris Distillery. In this episode, the distillery starts producing Harris gin.
Às dèidh seachd bliadhna do dh' ullachadh agus dà bhliadhna ga thogail seo a' chiad bliadhn' obrach aig taigh-staile Na Hearadh. Tha a' chiad phrògram seo, ann sreath de thrì, a' leantainn adhartas a' chiad bhliadhna gnìomhachas ùr seo. Às dèidh cnapan-starra lethid dà il san obair togail is trioblaidean le uidheamachd tha gin na Hearadh a' tighinn gu buil. Gu h-aithghearr, às a dhèidh, thathas a' tòiseachadh air prìomh obrach na taigh-staile, a' chiad uisge-beatha Hearach. Tha an luchd-obrach gu lèir air am fastadh gu h-ionadail. Le sin, se Deichnar an Tairbeart a th'aca orra fhèin. Chan eil duine aca air a bhi sàs ann a obair taighstaile roimhe, ach tha iad tighinn còmhla airson rudeigin sònraicte a chruthachadh anns na Hearadh.
Seven years in the planning, two years in its construction, the Harris Distillery is in its first year of existence. This first episode follows the lead up to and first working year at the Harris Distillery. After some delays in construction and the inevitable technical glitches, their Harris gin goes straight into production. Hot on its heels is the distillery's primary function, and the team work up to distilling their first Hearach whisky.
The staff have all been recruited locally and are collectively known as the "Tarbert Ten". They share a commonality in having never been involved in the distillery business, but are keen to prove that they are more than able to create history on the Isle of Harris.
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Tha cumadh a’ tighinn air an taigh-stà ile
Duration: 03:49
Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Ruaraidh Aonghas Rotach |
Series Producer | Kenneth Stewart |
Production Company | Moja Limited |
Composer | Douglas Leadbitter |
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