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The Martian Overthrow

Francis Spufford moves through an eerily silent London to the outskirts of Primrose Hill, the last staging post of the Martians, who meet their end overlooking the ruined city.

Francis Spufford walks in the footsteps of Wells all conquering tripods from Woking to Primrose Hill in the company of writers, scientists & historians, exploring the startling array of ideas that fuelled his classic and gives it its lasting impact.

"The farther I penetrated into London, the profounder grew the stillness. It was a city condemned and derelict....In South Kensington I first heard the howling.... a sobbing alternation of two notes, "Ulla, ulla, ulla, ulla," Francis Spufford moves through an eerily silent London from Exhibition Road, where Wells had eagerly attended the lectures of biologist Thomas Huxley, onto the outskirts of Primrose Hill. The last staging post of the Martians who meet their microbial end overlooking the ruined city as Victorian's count their biological blessings. Joining him are the science fiction writers Ian McDonald and Stephen Baxter, author of the new sequel to War of the Worlds. In the 120 years since its publication why does Wells tale still resonate?

Series Producer: Mark Burman.

Available now

15 minutes

Last on

Sat 23 Nov 2019 02:15


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