Episode 3
Tha Donnie a' cur staran gu polycrub ann am B貌rnais. Donnie builds a road and installs a new rainwater system to a polycrub in Bornish, South Uist.
Ann an Uibhist a Deas, tha Donnie Macle貌id a' cur staran 霉r gu polycrub gus am bi e nas fhasa dhan luchd-cleachdaidh faighinn thuige. An 脿ite glumaich is poll, bidh slighe 霉r ghlan thuige! Tha e cuideachd a' leasachadh an siostam glacaidh uisge aca le bhith a' cur d脿 thanca m貌r a-steach airson uisge bho na speuran a ghl猫idheil 's airson a chuir air na planndrais. Tha Donnie cuideachd san Rubha ann an Le貌dhas, a' tadhal air pr貌iseact leasachaidh air seann mhansa.
In South Uist, Donnie tackles mud and bog to create a new roadway to a community polycrub so that those using it can access the agricultural shelter more easily. He also improves the rainwater-harvesting system by installing two tanks which will make watering the plants much easier for the members. Donnie also visits a manse-renovation project in Point, Isle of Lewis.
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Duration: 02:29
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Donnie Macleod |
Companaidhean agus daoine a chuidich agus a ghabh p脿irt anns An D霉bhlan
Companies and individuals who contributed to An D霉bhlan.