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Slige-mhara Shònraichte

Chan eil Baba a' faireachdainn gu math ach tha beachd aig Oona a chumas air a dhòigh e. Baba is feeling poorly and has to stay at home, but Oona has a plan that will cheer him up.

Feumaidh Baba fuireach san fhaiche an-diugh ‘s e faireachdainn tinn. Ge-tà, tha plana aig Oona gus a chur air a dhòigh – tha i gus slige fìor shònraichte a lorg dha, plana a tha soirbheachail... gus an nochd na faoileagan len cuid mi-mhodh!

Baba has to stay in the burrow today as he’s feeling a bit poorly, but Oona has a plan to cheer him up – she’s going to find him the shiniest shell to have in the burrow with him! However, her plan goes awry when the mischievous seagulls appear.

7 minutes
