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Episode 6

Episode 6 of 7

Daniel O’Donnell introduces performances from Dickie Rock and Susan McCann. Narrated by Anne Sinclair.

A’ gabhail pàirt anns a’ phrògram seo, bidh Dickie Rock agus Susan McCann, agus bidh an seinneadair Seoirse Ó Dochartaigh a’ tadhail mar aoigh shònraichte na seachdain.

Air a chlàradh ann an Foràm nam Mìle Bliadhna ann an Doire agus ann an cuideachd luchd-èisdeachd, tha Opry a' toirt a-steach an luchd-ciùil dùthchasach as cliùitiche bho air feadh Èirinn.

This episode features Dickie Rock and Susan McCann, and singer Seoirse Ó Dochartaigh as our special guest.

Recorded in front of a live audience, Opry introduces the cream of country music artists from the length and breadth of Ireland, from the Millennium Forum, Derry.

Presented by Daniel O'Donnell and narrated by Anne Sinclair.

58 minutes
