Episode 4
Neap脿l - Suidheachaidhean cunnartach air an t-slighe gu sgoil. The extreme dangers facing the children of Nepal as they journey to school each day.
Chan e d矛le agus gaothan na h-aon dh霉bhlain a tha roimh chlann nan Yi air an t-slighe gu sgoil. Feumaidh clann an treubh bheag seo ann am beanntan coiseachd c貌rr air tr矛 uairean a th矛de air slighean cho cumhang ri ceathrad ceudameatair ann an 脿itichean aig 脿irde m矛le meatair shuas air a' chreig. 'S e slighe gharbh a th' ann ann an t矛r a bhios a' fulang crithean-thalmhainn, agus feumaidh iad a choiseachd a h-uile latha is iad a' dol dhan sgoil.
Torrential rain and winds are not the only challenges that nature has placed on the dangerous school route of the Yi children. The youngsters from this tiny tribe in the mountains must walk for over three hours through paths that are at times only 40cm wide and drop over 1,000 meters into the deep. It is a brutal march through earthquake territory - and they walk it every day to get to school.
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