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Blas ciùil bho Colonel Mustard agus The Dijon 5. Highlights of Colonel Mustard and The Dijon 5 at Belladrum 2018.

Tha Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim air a bhith ruith o 2004 nuair a bha an ceòl a’ dol airson aon là. A-nis, tha an fhèis a ruith fad trì làithean agus abair rionnagan ciùil a bhitheas i tarraing! Anns na bliadhnaichean o chionn ghoirid, bidh faisg air seachd mìle deug neach a’ tadhail oirre air oighreachd bhoidheach Bhelladrum, ach ged a tha an fhèis a’ fàs nas motha cha mhòr gach bliadhna, tha an luchd-amharc an còmhnaidh càirdeil agus beòthail.

Fiona MacKenzie presents highlights from the 2018 Belladrum Tartan Heart music festival. This episode's featured act is a colourful outfit that puts the fun in funk and go by the name of Colonel Mustard and The Dijon 5. The pit at Belladrum was awash with yellow outfits and inflatables as the irrepressible band had the crowd bouncing along to their catchy tunes and choreographed dance moves on a fine Friday afternoon at Belladrum.

35 minutes
