Episode 5
Sweeny achieves another milestone as his own meat is sold in the local shop.
Leis am Foghar oirnn a-nise agus an Geamhradh a’ teannadh dlùth, chan eil cùisean buileach cho trang dha Sweeny, ach tha iomadach rud ri dhèanamh fhathast!
Tha e a’ gabhail a’ chothroim a’ chlòimh aige fhaighinn deiseil son a cur air falbh a dh’ Uibhist, agus tha e cuideachd a’ faicinn mar a tha an obair a’ dol leis an taigh a tha e a’ dèanamh an-à irde airson luchd-turais.
The Sweeny cuideachd a’ faicinn aon de na h-amasan sònraichte aige a’ tighinn gu buil agus cothrom gu bhith aig muinntir na sgìre an fheòil aige a cheannach ann am bùth ann an Nis fhèin.
Tha sinn cuideachd aig deireadh na slighe airson nan cearcan mu dheireadh aige, ’s tha e gan toirt gu dachaigh ùr aig Colaiste a’ Chaisteil, ‘s iad a’ toirt toileachas mòr dha cuid de na h-oileanaich. Tha an crodh cuideachd a’ dol gu dachaigh ùr son greis agus Sweeny gan toirt dhan mhòintich airson a’ Gheamhraidh.
Tha e cuideachd air a dhòigh agus e air a chur air adhart airson duais shònraichte – ‘Croitear Òg na Bliadhna’. An dùil an dèan e a’ chùis? Feuch gu bheil sibh a’ coimhead son faighinn a-mach!
Now in autumn and with winter approaching, things aren’t quite so hectic for Sweeny but there’s plenty still to be done! He does some wool grading as he prepares his fleeces for sending to Uist, and also checks out how things are progressing with his self-catering project. Sweeny also achieves another milestone - with his own meat being stocked and sold at the local shop in Ness.
It’s also the end of the line for the last of the chickens, and he takes them off to a new home at the Lews Castle College, where they will be well looked after by some of the local students. Meanwhile, his cows are also heading for a change of scene as he gets them out to the moor for the winter months.
Sweeny also has the excitement of an awards ceremony after being nominated for the ‘Young Crofter of the Year’. Will he bring the trophy home to Ness?
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Tha an crodh a' dol chun na mòintich
Duration: 03:19
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Donald MacSween |
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