Gregor MacLeod is in Inverness to taste a scrumptious new take on soda bread, which adds olive oil, rosemary and olives to turn it into a spectacular focaccia.
Some of the country’s best home bakers welcome Gregor MacLeod into the kitchen to show him their favourite recipes. As a professional cook and baker, he knows that you can’t put a price on a tried and tested recipe, and also shares some of his own.
He heads to Inverness to taste a scrumptious new take on soda bread, which adds olive oil, rosemary and olives to turn it into a spectacular focaccia. In Lewis, Gregor gets a generous slice of coffee cake. But this is no ordinary version; this new twist has a kick of spicy cardamom to complement the sweetness.
At home in Callanish, Gregor himself shows us the secret to sourdough with a soft centre and has some advice on how to create the perfect crunchy crust. He also makes a delicious rich chocolate tray bake with a vibrant green minty stripe through it.
Tha sà r bhèiceirean nan dachanan fhèin a’ toirt Griogair MacLeòid dhan chidsin a choimhead dè tha iad a’ fuine. Na chòcaire proifeiseanta, ‘s aithne dha nach gabh luach a chur air rud a bhios math a h-uile là a nì thu e agus tha feadhainn dhiu sin aige fhèin ri shealltainn.
‘Sa phrògram seo tha e an Inbhir Nis a’ feuchainn greim arain sòda – ach se fear ùr, sònraichte blasta tha seo, le ròs-mà iri, ola cruinn ola agus na dearcan, ga thionndadh gu foccaccia sgoinneil. Ann an Leòdhas gheibh e deagh shlis de chèic cofaidh a tha cuideachd a-mach às an à bhaist le cardamom spìosrach a’ cur lainnir air a mhìlse.
A-staigh ann an Calanais tha Griogair a’ sealltainn dhuinn mar a nì e aran le taois gheur, bog na bhroinn is, ma leanas sinn a chomhairle, brisg a-muigh. Agus than cèic-treadha teòclaid aige cuideachd; beairteach sa bheul agus dealrach dha na sùilean.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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An cèic-treadha le teòclaid is mionnt aig Griogar
Duration: 01:47
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Gregor Macleod |
Editor | Craig Nicol |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Producer | Faye MacLean |
Director | Ramsay MacMahon |
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