Episode 1
At Blair Drummond Safari Park, Brian is working with two new tigers. At Highland Wildlife Park, Connor is busy with hoofstock out on the reserve.
Tha beathaichean iongantach is annasach, beag is mòr, a’ còmhnaidh ann am pà ircean fiath-bheathaichean ann an Alba.
Beathaichean a tha a’ tà ladh a’ phobaill agus nan tlachd mòr dhaibh. Ach dè mu dheidhinn na daoine a tha a’ frithealadh nam beathaichean sin fad na bliadhna: na glèidheadairean. Chì sinn an cà irdeas a tha eatorra, an urram a th’ aca dha chèile agus an obair a tha an lùib a bhith a’ cumail an leithid a’ dol.
Aig Pà irc Safari Blà r Dhruiminn tha Brian ag obair còmhla ri dà thìgear ùr agus tha an sgioba air fad ag ullachadh airson a’ chiad là dhen t-seusan. Aig Pà irce Fiadh-bheatha na Gà idhealtachd tha an glèidheadair Connor ag obair le beathaichean air a bheil crodhan - thà inig e astar à Lunnainn airson a phrìomh-amas a’ leantainn. Agus aig Sù nan Còig Peathraichean tha Emma is Gary a’ cruthachadh cur-seachadan dha na leòmhainn a chaidh an sà bhaladh à siorcas ‘s an Fhraing.
The wildlife parks and zoos in Scotland are huge visitor attractions and home to all types of creatures - exotic and endangered, big and small. Through the eyes of their keepers we get to know the animals and their individual personalities. We learn about the conservation work and the husbandry: the feeding, the care, the welfare, the enrichment, the training and the breeding programmes as well as the endless shoveling of poo - all in a day in the life of a keeper.
At Blair Drummond Safari Park, Brian is working with two tigers that have newly arrived while the rest of the team prepares for the opening day of the season. At Highland Wildlife Park, Connor has his dream job in the hoofstock section, having moved from London to follow his passion. While at Five Sisters Zoo, Gary is creating enrichment for the lions that were rescued from a circus in France.
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Obair nach eil an-còmhnaidh tlachdmhor is tarraingeach
Duration: 01:15
Tha na tìgearan a' cur iongnadh air an luchd-gleidhidh
Duration: 02:57
Role | Contributor |
Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Editor | Jonny Craigmile |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
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