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Based on hard historic evidence we recreate the life of a fictional Roman gladiatrix we call Ardala.

The story of female gladiators is largely unknown. Contemporary Roman writers, to whom we owe much of our historic knowledge, did not approve of women fighting in the arena. But ironically their outbursts against women gladiators give us indirect proof of their existence.

Based on hard historic evidence, we recreate the life of a fictional Roman gladiatrix we call Ardala. Through her dramatic journey, we discover how these young women survived desperate conditions, why so many were ready to die for the sake of public entertainment and the skills they needed to fight and survive in the arena.

Chan eil cus eòlas againn air sgeulachd nam ban-ghlaidearan. Cha robh na sgrìobhadairean Ròmanach aig an àm dèidheil air boireannaich a’ sabaist san arèna, ach ‘s ann bho na bha iad seo a’ sgrìobhadh nan aghaidh a tha sinn a’ faighinn a’ mhòrchuid dhen eòlas a th’ againn mun deidhinn.

Stèidhichte air deagh fhianais is fhiosrachadh eachdraidheil, tha sinn ag ath-chruthachadh beatha ban-ghlaidear Ròmanach. Tha sinn a’ toirt an ainme Ardala dhi, agus tron turas iongantach aice, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mar a sheas na boireannaich òga seo ri na suidheachaidhean uabhasach san robh iad. Carson a bha uiread aca deiseil airson bàsachadh air sgàth fèisteas. Agus gu dè na sgilean a dh’fheumadh iad gus sabaist agus gus tighinn às an arèna beò.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

51 minutes
