Episode 3
At Highland Wildlife Park, Judith has to check the Amur tiger’s enclosure before she can let Dominika out for her breakfast.
Beathaichean a tha a’ tà ladh a’ phobaill agus nan tlachd mòr dhaibh. Ach dè mu dheidhinn na daoine a tha a’ frithealadh nam beathaichean sin fad na bliadhna: na glèidheadairean. Chì sinn an cà irdeas a tha eatorra, an urram a th’ aca dha chèile agus an obair a tha an lùib a bhith a’ cumail an leithid a’ dol.
An t-seachdain sa, aig Pà irc Safari Blà r Dhruiminn tha Graeme a’ coimhead as deidh na sròn-adharcaich agus na siorafan.
Tha iad air a bhith fo chùram fad naoi bliadhna, ach an ceann mios neo dhà tha e a’ gluasad gu roinn nan leomhann-mara. Feumaidh Graeme iomadh seisean trèanaidh a dhèanamh mus urrainn dha a dhol mu choinneamh an t-sluaigh.
Aig Pà irce Fiadh-bheatha na Gà idhealtachd feumaidh Judith sgrudadh a’ dhèanamh air crò Dominika an tìgear Amur as deidh stoirm is dìle troimhn’ oidhche. Feumaidh i a dhèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an fheansa slà n mus leig i Dominika mu sgaoil. Agus tha a' choimhearsnachd ionadail a' cumail taic ris a’ phà irce: tha Oighreachd Albhaidh air cothrom a thairgse dha Andy, le taghadh math de gheugan ri fhaighinn.
The wildlife parks and zoos in Scotland are huge visitor attractions and home to all types of creatures – exotic and endangered, large and small. Through the eyes of their keepers, we get to know the animals and their individual personalities. We learn about the conservation work and the husbandry: the feeding, the care, the welfare, the enrichment, the training and the breeding programmes as well as the endless graft - all in a day in the life of a keeper.
At Blair Drummond Safari Park, Graeme has worked with the rhinos and the giraffes for nine years, but in a few weeks time he is moving to the sea-lion section. He needs several training sessions under the expert eye of Stuart.
At Highland Wildlife Park, Judith has to check the Amur tiger’s enclosure before she can let Dominika out for her breakfast. After a night of storms and heavy rain, she needs to ensure that the fence is secure. And, the local community helps to support the park in many ways: the Alvie estate has given Andy the chance to collect browse from their forests.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Tha fadachd air Vraska dèanamh à s
Duration: 01:40
Tha Graeme agus Oscar a' cur eòlas air cà ch a chèile
Duration: 01:58
Role | Contributor |
Producer | Patricia Macleod |
Director | Scott Brown |
Executive Producer | Ishbel Maclennan |
Editor | Jonny Craigmile |
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