A local perspective on a global crisis, examining how the climate emergency is affecting the Outer Hebrides.
Chaidh An-Drà sta! fhiolmadh agus a ghearradh as t-samhradh 2019 le buidheann de dh’òigridh, a’ coimhead air cùis èiginneach chruinneil aig ìre ionadail agus mar a tha èiginn na gnà th-shìde a’ toirt buaidh air na h-Eileanan Siar. ’S e tagradh a th’ ann bho ar n-òigridh ar saoghal a dhìon agus a ghlèidheadh còmhla airson ar n-à m ri teachd.
Filmed and edited by students from the Nicolson Institute in Stornoway during their 2019 summer holidays, An-Drà sta! presents a local perspective on a global crisis, examining how the climate emergency is affecting the Outer Hebrides. It is a plea from our young people to protect our shared futures.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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- Tue 2 Mar 2021 23:00
- Thu 4 Mar 2021 23:20