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Episode 3

Murdo Macdonald explores the splendour and history of Scone Palace Gardens. Murchadh Dòmhnallach a-measg eachdraidh is greadhnas gàrraidhean Lùchairt Sgàin.

Green-fingered Murdo Macdonald visits some of the country’s most important gardens to explore their design, plant-life, setting and history.

Murdo visits Scone Palace Gardens, known most famously perhaps for Moot Hill - the ancient crowning place of the Kings of Scots. Murdo also finds out the history behind the remains of Old Scone village, sees the Douglas Fir planted from seed sent back by Douglas himself and ventures into the Murray Star Maze - with hedges grown from 2,000 beech trees.

Roddy Maclean talks about the importance of hedges, and Dr Mark Newman of the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh tells us about John Claudius Loudon who did the landscaping work at Scone.

Tha gàirneilear sgileil, Murchadh Dòmhnallach, a’ tadhal air cuid de ghàrraidhean mòra na h-Alba, a’coimhead air an cruth, na tha fàs unnta agus an eachdraidh.

Sa phrògram seo tha Murchadh a’tadhal air gàrraidhean Lùchairt Sgàin, gu sònraichte ainmeil airson Cnoc a’Mhòid, far an robh rìghrean na h-Alba gan crùnadh. Cluinnidh Murchadh eachdraidh seann bhaile Sgàin, agus chì e craobh ghiuthais Douglas, a dh’fhàs a sìol a chuir Daibhidh Douglas fhèin dhachaigh. Feuchaidh e ri a rathad a dhèanamh a-mach as a’chuairtean, far a bheil dà mhìle craobh faidhbhile sna callaidean an cruth rionnaig.

Bruidhnidh Ruairidh MacIlleathain air cho cudromach sa tha callaidean, agus innsidh an t-Oll. Mark Newman a Gàrradh Luibheanach Rìoghail Dhùn Èidinn dhuinn mu John Claudius Loudoun a dhealbhaich cumadh a’ghàrraidh.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Murdo Macdonald
Producer Julie McCrone
