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Deireadh an t-Samhraidh: Pàirt II/End of Summer: Part II

Episode 26 of 52

Mortimer from the time to come takes Matilda to the Paper Port of the future. Tropecio Ferguson is the absolute master there because he has the Magical Coconut powers.

Tha MacLaomain bhon àm ri teachd a’ toirt Marisa gu Port Pàipeir san àm ri teachd. An sin tha Tormod Flanagan a’ riaghladh a’ bhaile oir tha cumhachdan na cnò cò-co draoidheil aigeasan a-nise. Às dèidh strì air leth, tha Marisa a’ dèanamh a’ chùis air Tormod Flanagan agus a’ toirt cumhachdan na cnò cò-cò draoidheil bhuaidhe. Tha i an uair sin a’ miannachadh gun tèid a h-uile sìon air ais dhan àbhaist, fiù ’s a cumhachdan.

Mortimer from the time to come takes Matilda to the Paper Port of the future. Tropecio Ferguson is the absolute master there because he has the Magical Coconut powers. After an epic combat, Matilda gets to defeat Tropecio and take the Magical Coconut away from him. Then she wishes for everything to go back to normal, including her powers.

11 minutes


Role Contributor
Production Company Solus Productions
