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Brush invites Hare, Fox, Owl and Tusk for a fancy game of croquet. Jack shows up uninvited and wants to play, too.

Tha Maigheach, Sionnach, Comhachag agus Tosg a’ faighinn cuireadh gu geama croquet còmhla ri Feòrag. Cò tha a’ nochdadh gun fhiathachadh ach Seoc! Chan eil diù aige do riaghailtean agus tha e a’ milleadh a’ ghnothaich air càch. Dìreach mus fheum iad uile sguir a chluich tha Maigheach a’ cur car anns na riaghailtean agus a’ toirt a chreidsinn air Seoc gu bheil e ri cealgaireachd an uair a tha e ann an dha-rìribh a’ cluich a’ gheama dìreach mar bu chòir.

Brush invites Hare, Fox, Owl and Tusk for a fancy game of croquet. Jack shows up uninvited and wants to play, too. But being a villain, he can’t stand rules and ruins the game for everyone. Just at the moment the friends are about to give up, Hare reverses the rules to make Jack think he’s cheating but in fact he’s playing the game perfectly.

10 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Linda MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
